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Tag: Mars

Mars 2021-01-02

Could well be one of the last astrophotos I publish, the fuck knows. The balcony observatory is over, thank you real estate maffia, thank you. HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, automated filter wheel, ASI 462MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher.

Apparent size: 10″



Mars 2020-08-02


HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, ASI 224MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher



Mars 2020-07-22

HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, ASI 224MC (cooled) for the color, and ASI 178MM (cooled) through IR-pass 650 for the luminance, home observatory, mountpusher

first processing

another processing



Mars 2018-09-10

N 150/750, 2x Barlow, TS Optics ADC, 20cm extension tubes, ASI 224MC, PIPP, Registax, 1500 out of 20k frames.

Mars 2018-09-10


Saturn, Mars 2018-09-08


The Rotating Mars – 2018-09-02

Mars, rotating

Using the N 150/750 tube with the ASI 224MC, on the HEQ5, I imaged how the red planet rotates around its axis. While this is trivial, this is my first attempt, after being more than successful with Jupiter. Meanwhile, I got news that the ADC is coming after all, so I may image Saturn and Mars using an ADC, hoping for better results. Also, in a few days I’ll have been an amateur astronomer for twenty years1998.09.10. Csillagnapló-részlet.



Mars – 2018-08-31

Mars, final picture

Using my MC 102/1300 with the ASI 224MC, on the HEQ5 installed on my balcony, I captured Mars. I, as usually, took 10k frames with a small ROI, and kept only the best few hundred frames for stacking. I used the usual software stack, Sharpcap for capturing, (PIPP and) Autostakkert for image stacking and Registax for the wavelets. Then some good old photo editing to get rid of the ringing and other artifacts. (tovább…)


Some Mars images

Using the HEQ5+MC 102/1300+ASI 224MC, I obtained these Mars images.

Mars 2018-08-15 23:51:59

Mars 2018-08-17 23:51:41



Mars – 2018-08-03, first light

It is the first light of my new ASI 224MC camera. It is a much much much much much more comfortable world than the Scopium camera – although the latter has been battle tested, and it grew to my heart inspite of its limitations. 10000 frames, Gain=349 Exposure=0,01. I used the SW MC 102/1300 with a barlow, mounted on the HEQ5.

Mars, 2018-08-02 22:13Z

the raw stack, as it came out of autostakkert


Moon-Mars Conjunction – 2018-07-01

Moon, Mars

Old habits die hard, so I pointed a raspberry pi (an old friend of mine, a model B+ from a few years back, still functioning like a charm) plus some compatible camera with a large field of view (fish eye like) to record. Record what? IDK, just make timelapses and something *will* come out of it.

So I captured the conjunction of the Moon and Mars with a very modest and toy-like MacGyverish, but at the same time very versatile setup. The Raspberry Pi board is „floating” in a drainage tube with tight fittings, with a camera front from a cheap mock camera for weather protection and an ND filter in front (the Sun has a tendency to burn its trail into the sensor, already visible on every image). Since I risked to move the camera, the ND filter stays on for the night which kinda sucks… I know.

I also created a max combination of all the recorded images, function finalPixel(x,y) = max(pixel(frame[0], x,y), pixel(frame[1], x, y) … pixel(frame[n], x, y)) where max compared values of luminance = (rgb24 >> 16) + ((rgb24 >> 8) % 256)*2 + (rgb24 % 256).



Jól kalibrált monitoron mindegyik számnál elkülönülő árnyalat látszik. Ha mégsem látszanak, akkor a megjelenített képek színhiányosan rajzolódnak ki. A monitort valószínűleg kalibrálni kell.

You should see distinct shades for each number. If those shades are not clearly visible, the displayed pictures will lack accuracy. Your display most likely needs to be calibrated (brightness, gamma, contrast etc.).