During the same night I imaged the Rosette nebula, acquiring 10 x 5 min, ISO 3200, with the Canon 1100D mod, Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM at f/6.3, HEQ5, with the IDAS LPS D2 filter clipped in. Compared to my previous attempts, I find this result a more natural, more smooth outcome.
C 49, NGC 2237, SH2-275 [nebula in Mon] Rosette nebula, Rozetta-köd, Sharpless 275, SH2-275 9m ø90′ [wiki] [simbad] 200mm, 400mm, 600mm, 750mm
C 50, NGC 2244, Mel 47, Col 99 [open cluster+nebula in Mon] A open cluster of bright stars, with surrounding nebula extending over a field 1d square. 4.8m ø24′ [wiki] [simbad] 200mm, 400mm, 600mm, 750mm