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Monthly archives: december, 2022

The Sun in Hα on 2022-05-01

EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Lunt LS60T Ha B600, ASI 178MM (cooled), processed on 2022-12-25


The Sun and Moon on 2022-07-17

ASI 178MM (cooled), Lunt CaK B600 LS6CAKMDS2, Skywatcher 72/420 ED-APO, mountpusher, EQ3-mod

ASI 178MM (cooled),  TS-Optics 76/342 TS76EDPH,  mountpusher, EQ3-mod


The Moon in duoband

From 2022-12-27, I got this picture using the EQ3-mod, mountpusher, TS-Optics 76/342 TS76EDPH, ZWO DuoBand 1.25″, ASI 178MM (cooled).


The Sun in CaK, being photobombed on 2022-12-29

I just wanted to combine the 6x 4’33” stack I obtained with the plane. Which is one single frame, from a video I decided to not use for the difficulty (more like compute time) of getting rid of the tainted  frames. EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Sharpstar 60/330 ED-APO, Lunt CaK B600 LS6CAKMDS2, ASI 178MM (cooled). Just like the background, the contrail needed to be extrapolated a bit, for framing reasons. A bit of an artistic license, I guess.



The Sun in UV, 2022-12-28

I recorded the Sun in UV using the automated filter wheel and the EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Baader Astrosolar ND3.8 Film, TS-Optics 76/342 TS76EDPH, Baader Venus U filter 1.25″, ASI 178MM (cooled) setup. The false color picture below was obtained from 6x 4’33 exposure, almost 500GB raw data, give or take. Active regions (brighter than their context) have been emphasized. For reference, I included the registax-output too, which is a the stage before applying the content aware emphasizing and the false color.


The Moon

These are the natural colors of what I recorded, no color balancing, no normalization, no nothing. 2022-12-28, 16:40+0200, Kolozsvár, Romania

EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Skywatcher 72/420 ED-APO, TS Optics ADC, UV/IR cut, ASI 485MC (cooled)


Fun fact, after perhaps too long, I modified the power source of the ersatz-obsi, to detect not just the hall sensor feedback from the cooling fan, and cry, sorry, beep like crazy, if it is missing, but to also measure the current on the channel that is supposed to supply the power to the peltier, which is the raison d’être of the cooling fan in the first place. So don’t cry if there is nothing really to cool. (tovább…)


2022 in a video

I compiled some of the most important pictures of this ersatz-years into a traditional walks in infinity video I usually put together each year since 2014 – before that there were pictures, and the analemma video, wich by itself encompasses a whole year, kind of by definition.


The Sun on 2022-03-29 in CaK, reprocessed

ASI 178MM (cooled), Lunt CaK B600 LS6CAKMDS2, Skywatcher 72/420 ED-APO, mountpusher, EQ3-mod


The Sun on 2022-12-21

On the day of the winter solstice, which is calculated to have occurred at precisely 21:48Z, I imaged the Sun in three narrow bands:




SlC 7.5nm

SlC 7.5nm

EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Lunt LS60T Ha B600, ASI 178MM (cooled)
EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Sharpstar 60/330 ED-APO, Lunt CaK B600 LS6CAKMDS2, ASI 178MM (cooled)
EQ3-mod, mountpusher, Baader Astrosolar ND3.8 Film, TS-Optics 76/342 TS76EDPH, Baader Solar Continuum 7.5 nm 1.25″, ASI 178MM (cooled)

Although not used per se other than being in the light train for the S7C (solar continuum 7.5nm version) filter, it was a fun project so let me mention the automated filter wheel for credit.


The Sun on 2022-07-19 in CaK

Using the ASI 178MM (cooled), Lunt CaK B600 LS6CAKMDS2, Skywatcher 72/420 ED-APO, mountpusher, EQ3-mod setup, I imaged the Sun and obtained the following picture.


Jól kalibrált monitoron mindegyik számnál elkülönülő árnyalat látszik. Ha mégsem látszanak, akkor a megjelenített képek színhiányosan rajzolódnak ki. A monitort valószínűleg kalibrálni kell.

You should see distinct shades for each number. If those shades are not clearly visible, the displayed pictures will lack accuracy. Your display most likely needs to be calibrated (brightness, gamma, contrast etc.).