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Monthly archives: augusztus, 2016

Astrocamp at the Rotunda Pass


Dark Skies 2016 Astrocamp, Rotunda Pass

Amateur astronomers from Máramarossziget/Sighetu Marmației organized the Dark Skies 2016 Astronomy Camp at the Rotunda Pass. The area is one of the last remaining dark spots in the EU, so dark that the clouds appear to be dark brown/black.

The camp being meant mainly for visual observers, had no electricity, just a generator run in the evening, during the dinner to recharge the gadgets. It is the owner’s fault we had no running water at all, an issue I would have imagined for the savanna/desert in Namibia, not the Romanian countryside with a long estabilished cabin with as much water that my jacket got wet in a clear night. So much for the level of civilisation and decency. (tovább…)


M16, M17, and the Pillars of Creation



I imaged the Messier 16 and Messier 17 objects, the Eagle and the Swan Nebulae. My specific target was the Pillars of Creation region in the M16, a region best known due to the Hubble space telescope.

I set up my instruments – Canon 1100D mod @ 150/750 Newtonian with corrector on HEQ5, unguided – at Gyerőfidongó (Dângău Mare, CJ) on a field with decent sky. I took 30×60 sec of each object, ISO 1600 of M16 and ISO 3200 of M17.



Gamma Cygni Region


Gamma Cygni region, 32x30 sec, ISO 3200

Gamma Cygni region, 32×30 sec, ISO 3200

As a plan B, I imaged the γ Cygni region with my usual equipment, the Canon 200mm @ f/3.2 Canon 1100D mod 32×30 sec, ISO 3200, HEQ5 PRO. Plan B, because I forgot to bring the screws which set the altitude/latitude of the mount, thus effectively criplling the mount’s precision. With some non invasive, duct tape improvisation I managed to take surprisingly good 30 sec subs at 200 mm, the 150/750 newtonian being out of question. This is the result.



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