Yesterday was like any other day, using the little time I have left with this part of the sky — long live the real estate maffia. So I turned on the telescope to record Jupiter. At first, I thought the feature is a piece of hair or something similar, but it moves together with Jupiter, so it should be on Jupiter — or a really extreme case of an artifact from the workflow. I’ve never seen something this big on Jupiter. HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, ASI 224MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher
1. a random alignment of features. Could be proved by feature tracking, but I have no data for the last seven days. It’s been raining.
2. scars from an impact event, a row of meteors hit Jupiter some time before my session.
3. ?
In the meanwhile, I received notice from two independent observers that the feature is visible on their pictures too: and