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Tag: callisto

Io, Callisto 2020-09-21

HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, automated filter wheel, ASI 462MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher


Jupiter and Callisto on 2020-09-05

Jupiter, Callisto, and Ganymede’s shadow are featured. HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, filters, ASI 462MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher

IR-pass 650

Callisto, Jupiter, Ganymede’s shadow and Ganymede. UV/IR cut filter



Jupiter, Callisto’s shadow, Callisto and Io — 2020-08-11

HEQ5, N250/1200, TSO ADC, ASI 224MC (cooled), home observatory, mountpusher


Jupiter family portrait 2019-09-02

Using the data acquired on 2019-09-02, I put together this nice animation.



Jupiter, Callisto 2019-07-14

Bad seeing and passing clouds. Actually, after some blessed days, this is more like the normal. ASI 224MC, TSO ADC, N250/1200, HEQ5. Balcony, soapbox.


Jól kalibrált monitoron mindegyik számnál elkülönülő árnyalat látszik. Ha mégsem látszanak, akkor a megjelenített képek színhiányosan rajzolódnak ki. A monitort valószínűleg kalibrálni kell.

You should see distinct shades for each number. If those shades are not clearly visible, the displayed pictures will lack accuracy. Your display most likely needs to be calibrated (brightness, gamma, contrast etc.).