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Tag: M86

Markarian’s Chain, through the telescope

Markarian’s Chain

After imaging the galaxy chain with the 200 telelens, at f/2.8, I turned the f/5 telescope to it. Not surprisingly, I registered way less light – also given the lack of guiding at the longer focal limiting the length of the exposures. I remember a discussion on the field with fellow amateur astronomers, about how objects are named, seemingly arbitrarily – however, many of the members of this chain are physically linked, not just a chance alignment, mostly, and it was an astronomer named Markarian who measured their motion. Member galaxies include the two bright ellipticals, M84, M86  and some other NGC members: NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435.



A wide perspective towards Markarian’s Chain

Galaxies in Vir/Com

I imaged a wide region on the border of Virgo and Coma Berenices, full of galaxies, members of the Virgo Cluster.

This area of our sky is very far from the Milky Way’s galactic plane making it fairly blank, thus acts like a window to see beyond it.  This region features objects well known to amateurs, like many Messier galaxies and Markarian’s Chain (formed by, among others, M84 and M86).



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