While prepping for the partial solar eclipse (March 20) I filmed another jovial eclipse. I used winjupos* to look for a moon-moon eclipse and foudn that Ganymede is going to cast a shadow onto Europa on ~ 2015-03-09 23:39 UTC. So I set up my equipment to observe and record. Sadly the seeing was below avarage, so not many disk details could be mined out of the images with stacking – the stacked picture looks like a raw from this session -, but the moons danced almost as expected. I found that winjupos is one or two minutes off, but nevermind. Then I used Registax6 to stack the individual videos (22 videos, about 25 GiB) into individual frames. I touched up the pics with IrfanView’s batch processing* (rotation, a bit saturation) then I used PIPP* to center Jupiter, frame the scene and create the gifs. A bit of GIMP* was also used.
*Thanks for coding :)