The Milky Way around M6 and M7

The Milky Way around M6 and M7

An image of the Milky Way around open clusters M6 and M7. Many other deep sky objects are also visible. Of particular beauty is the pair on the left formed by a star, G Sco and a globular cluster, NGC 6441. Hints of red nebulosities are also visible.

Canon EF 200mm f2.8L II USM at F/4, Canon 1100D mod, 60×180 sec, ISO 800, HEQ5 pro.

The raws were taken on two nights during my expedition in May of 2016, Namibia.



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plate solved by

My Antares Region picture encompasses the M6-M7 field, it is in the upper left quarter

My Antares Region picture encompasses the M6-M7 field, it is in the upper left quarter
