ASI 224MC (cooled), TSO ADC, N250/1200, HEQ5, home observatory, mountpusher
The cross eye 3D – this is an illusion actually. Since the planet rotates and the moon orbits, applying a small time offset will give the illusion of a different perspective, and due to the orbital vs rotational speed difference, the moon will appear to be in front or back, given the directionality. Hwoever, since a satellite’s shadow moves together with the moon and not the planet, a shadow pops out of Jupiter and ruins the 3D effect. In case of a perspective shift, the shadow would stay in the same spot relative to the clouds.
The individual frames:
<?php function harom($n){ $n = ''.$n; while (strlen($n) < 3){ $n = '0'.$n; } return $n; } foreach (glob('output/*.jpg') as $old_output){ unlink($old_output); } $input_files = glob('input/*.jpg'); $delta = 4; for ($q=$delta; $q<count($input_files) - $delta; $q++){ $left = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($input_files[$q-$delta])); $right = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($input_files[$q])); $out = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($left) + imagesx($right), imagesy($left)+imagesy($right)); imagecopy($out, $left, 0, round(imagesy($left) / 2), 0, 0, imagesx($left),imagesy($left)); imagecopy($out, $right, imagesx($left), round(imagesy($left) / 2), 0, 0, imagesx($left),imagesy($left)); imagejpeg($out, 'output/output_'.harom($q).'.jpg', 100); imagedestroy($out); imagedestroy($left); imagedestroy($right); } ?>