The Sun kept playing hide and seek, and a rain interrupted the session, but I managed, in the lunch break, to get a fair look at the Sun. ASI 178MM (cooled), B600, Lunt LS60T Ha, mountpusher, EQ3-mod, Kolozsvár


Observing in Hα

Observing in Hα

Observing in Calcium K

Observing in Calcium K

cooling the 178MM

cooling the 178MM

driving the peltier

driving the peltier

Focusing mechanism for the Hα

Focusing mechanism for the Hα



The ST4-compatible and 5V-24V tolerant, modded EQ3 hand controller. And the focuser hand controller (another soapbox)

The ST4-compatible and 5V-24V tolerant, modded EQ3 hand controller. And the focuser hand controller (another soapbox)

Autoguiding via the noszogtató mount pusher

Autoguiding via the noszogtató mount pusher

The old software with the soapbox

The old software with the soapbox

Staring at the Sun

Staring at the Sun

Solar selfie

Solar selfie
